Waterborne Flooring

Sayerlack waterborne two pack clear polyurethane from Italy. It has high elasticity, hardness, abrasion resistance, easy application by brush or roller. Sayerlack AOV2343/00 is a waterborne scented oil that provides a soft, natural and waxy effect. AC1810 waterborne stains have a harmonising effect on woods of variable colour or absorption.

Suitable for use on

  • Parquet Flooring

Gloss levels:  Available in the following gloss levels:
Product Gloss Sizes Catalyst Thinner Solids Drytimes - Full Cure Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet
AF6005/005%5L10%3 - 5%31%24 hoursdownloaddownload
AF6020/0020%5L10%3 - 5%31%24 hoursdownloaddownload
AF6050/0050%5L10%3 - 5%31%24 hoursdownloaddownload
AOV2343/005%6L5%10 - 20%21%24 hoursdownloaddownload

Recommended systems

Timber 3 Coats AF60XX/00
Timber 1 Coat of AC1810 Stain, 3 Coats AF60XX/00
Timber 3 Coats AOV2343/00

Please note: AU0474/13 is a 2-pack basecoat applicable by spray directly on MDF or Masonite substrates. It has a high pigment content and a high solids content, thus ensuring an excellent filling power and an even colour even at 150-200 g/m² application weights